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Dating a guy with extra Family Responsibilities.

Most Women do not like the idea of their partners taking care of extra family responsibilities aside the relationship, it makes them feel like the guy don't value the relationship more than they do which isn't the case. "A man has to do what a man has to do". As a man, you are considered the head of the household therefore you are responsible for so many things in and outside the house.

I personally sugguest during dating, the guy has to openly tell the lady if he's taking care of some family responsibilities in that case the lady is aware of everything going on with the guy and can decide base on the information the guy has given her whether she would want to consider a Relationship (relationship is the next step one take after dating). Dating a guy with extra family responsibilities can be very hectic especially if he's the oldest he definitely has to take care of the younger ones (basically they depend on him for everything I mean everything).

Furthermore, when the man makes the lady aware of his responsibilities during the relationship, it makes it easy for him to deal with her as long as the guy don't prioritize his family more than her. I understand Family comes first but we (ladies) need attention as well so men learn to balance it if necessary.

However, some ladies are willing to go extra mile to help you with your responsibilities and that's a plus if you ask me but those who won't would rather keep pressuring you with marriage as a matter of fact ladies have been tag with expiring date; once the guy delay in marring her or use family responsibilities as c/o she feels like you're wasting her time but it might not be intentional. Let's be a little patient with our Men they need us as much as we need them.

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